Labour’s Schools Bill is a direct attack on the progress we have made in education over the past two decades, writes Newark MP Robert Jenrick.
While known for caring for nature reserves, the scale of our work often goes under the radar…
Next time you’re in Langar Hall, you must admire the late Georgian elegance and the beauty of the surroundings, writes historian Patrick Mercer.
Rather than ‘winner takes all’ solutions where development is allowed to trash the environment in the name of ‘growth’.
January is the month of New Year resolutions, writes Simon Shaw of Duncan & Toplis.
As is so often the case when we begin a new year the temperatures have recently plummeted with some snow and unfortunately rising floodwaters.
Ancient woodlands are Nottinghamshire’s most diverse habitat, providing a haven for wildlife and places of solace and inspiration for people.
Peatlands are unique habitats capable of storing twice as much carbon as forests, writes Erin McDaid of the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust.
For many, the ringing in of the New Year signals a fresh start, but for some couples, it can mean the end of their relationship.
As we reflect on the first six months of this Government, it’s clear that real change is already happening, writes Sherwood Forest MP, Michelle Welsh.
A challenging year — but one which saw huge progress for nature and people, writes Erin McDaid, of Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust.
I’m pleased to start 2025 with my latest updates on the work of the neighbourhood policing team, writes District Commander, Inspector Charlotte Ellam.
New Year’s Resolutions –Time for a Legal Health Check?
A key principle in Adult Social Care is working to ensure that the people we support can live as independently as possible.
Results of the £5 million National Lottery Heritage Fund Nextdoor Nature programme enabled Trusts to work with communities across the UK.
I am absolutely proud and honoured to be elected leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, says Sam Smith, the new council leader.
The current government are not the first to aspire to get Britain building by increasing the scale of housebuilding and streamlining planning rules.
Have you got your panto tickets, will you be visiting a small gallery to buy that special present, or will you be going to a carol concert?
In his latest column, Erin McDaid of the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust considers UK Food Security.
As we approach the festive season it is often a time to take stock with loved ones, enjoy the festive fun and set some new year resolutions.