Ever wondered how roads are repaired? A council has released video of the process so that residents can see repairs in action.
A couple who won £1 million on a National Lottery scratchcard have used some of their winnings to set up a mobile fish and chip business.
It's time to get into the Halloween spirit as ScareFest tickets, in support of the Children's Bereavement Centre, are now available to buy.
In the last week, emergency services have attended three very serious road traffic collisions, in which three young people died.
The RAF Balderton Research Group will be hosting an educational open weekend tomorrow and Sunday
Tour of Britain organisers have praised the thousands of fans that lined the streets of Nottinghamshire to cheer on the elite cyclists.
Group leaders at a council have signed up to a campaign aimed at raising public awareness about the role of councillors in their communities.
Enhancements to improve reliability and reduce congestion on the A46 have been listed as one of the key priorities for Levelling Up the East Midlands.
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust expresses anger at Government plans it believes could prevent nature’s recovery and undermine people’s quality of life.
A resident of Welbourn Hall nursing home has celebrated a century full of life as they turned 100.
A Newark Indian restaurant could be named the best restaurant in the East Midlands at a national awards ceremony in London next month.
New wonderfully wild wall art has appeared in Newark to cheer up residents.
Safety concerns have been raised after Welcome Break asked to open its new services at Fernwood before completing necessary permanent access works.
A list of ten unique and beautiful species in UK woods — many of which are under threat — has been compiled by the Woodland Trust.
Over 40 free activities and events are coming to town, organised by Newark’s Cultural Consortium.
A main road has reopened following road accident investigations into a serious collision involving two cars.
An electricity sub station has been damaged in an apparent act of vandalism.
Climate concerned members of the public gathered for a meeting following the arrival of the Extinction Rebellion national tour bus in Newark.
Nottinghamshire Police’s next Chief Constable has vowed to build on positive work to promote public confidence and teamwork.
A council leader will be raising money for charity after agreeing to take part in a skydive from 13,000ft.