A college has officially launched its new media suite, further supporting the education of young people in Newark by expanding the resources on offer.
A school has now opened its first outdoor classroom, which will be used all year around to combine fresh air with education.
A council is exploring the idea of taking a popular town centre beach event out “on the road”, to different wards and towns across the district.
Detectives are appealing for information after a man suffered serious injuries following an assault outside a village pub.
This afternoon, Farmers from across the area have held a series of demonstrations outside of supermarkets in Newark.
A council will not need to raise its share of household tax as much as last year thanks to “sound accounting”.
Officers have recovered dozens of stolen 4x4s following extensive searches in the countryside around Newark.
Storage concerns proved a sticking point as objections were raised over town centre apartment plans.
Over 1,000 new jobs could be produced in the area if plans for a new warehouse development are approved.
A new exhibition showcasing spectacular views of Newark is now open.
Things will be heating up this March when thrilling fire and light performers take to the streets for an evening of special shows in the town centre.
Plans for a new supermarket in Newark are facing opposition due to concerns over traffic management and safety in the area.
An environmental group is challenging the use of pesticides in our area as a form of weed and pest control.
A new mini exhibition is now on display, offering an insight into how food and drink has been prepared throughout the decades.
A council has objected to plans to install security shutters at a popular town centre restaurant — despite ongoing concerns about vandalism.
A new public consultation has been launched for plans which would see one of the largest solar farms in the country built in Newark and Sherowod.
A leading government figure said the number of children in poverty is an ‘absolute scandal’ — and vowed to listen to communities on what must be done.
Next week, millions of train tickets will go on sale at half the price as part of the government’s annual rail sale.
A former school teacher has been awarded an MBE in the King’s New Year Honours for services to physical education.
A museum will host a series of special events and talks to mark 400 years since King Charles I ascended to the throne.