The rarest 50p pieces currently in circulation have been unveiled by The Royal Mint and there’s a new coin to have taken the top spot this year.
The wet, windy, humid conditions may create the ideal conditions for ‘flying ant day’ with the natural phenomenon thought to be around the corner.
New rules for cat owners mean that felines must now be microchipped by law and a failure to do so could see people face a £500 fine.
Child Benefit payments will stop for more than a million families this summer unless parents with teenagers staying in education update their claim.
New banknotes featuring a portrait of King Charles are entering circulation for the first time but how can you guarantee getting your hands on one?
Households have been told to build and store new emergency kits in the event of a national crisis as the government issues new preparation advice.
Olivia and Noah remain in the top spots, says the ONS, for the most popular baby names in England and Wales but which other monikers made the top 10?
Taking children out of school without permission is to get more expensive as the government prepares to launch a crackdown on authorised absences.
The Royal Mint has unveiled the design of a new 50 pence piece which has been produced to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.
More than a third of children’s meals sold in restaurants exceed government maximum salt targets says a new report studying more than 20 eateries.
As GCSE exams get underway there’s a stern warning for pupils about the risks associated with cheating - including taking their phones into tests.
New drivers could face a zero-alcohol limit and rules on driving unsupervised under a proposed law introducing Graduated Driving Licences.
Pregnant women are being urged to come forward for whooping cough jabs amid soaring cases that has resulted in the deaths of five babies in England.
Sightings of a hairy caterpillar that makes people and pets very unwell must be reported urge officials who are keeping track of the dangerous pest.
Single-sex toilets may become a legal requirement under new government plans but how would the law work and who would it apply to?
NHS prescription charges increase from this month but who is eligible to get their medicine for free?
Cadbury has discontinued one of its Dairy Milk chocolate bars because of fans’ changing tastes.
Parents are being told to stop using a children’s car seat, which is being recalled because of a potential issue with the harness.
Flying insect numbers are declining at an unsustainable rate, fear wildlife experts behind the latest study into the health of our ecosystem.
Junior players are being told not to adopt a trend made famous by Premier League aces such as Man City’s Jack Grealish because of the risk of injury.