A Nottinghamshire high-security hospital has made “significant improvements” and addressed the recommendations of a damning report.
A former care home site owned by Nottinghamshire County Council was found to have ‘abnormal issues’ — meaning its sale needs to be renegotiated.
‘Delighted’ Mayor Claire Ward believes plans for the Government to confirm a £160million Investment Zone scheme will help ‘turbo-charge’ the economy.
Severn Trent was one of only four water companies that has not underperformed, according to the industry watchdog.
The new East Midlands mayoral authority has secured just over £16.8million of Government funding to help deliver 1,479 stalled housing schemes.
A new dementia-friendly unit opened at Nottingham Queen’s Medical Centre aims to transform how people with the condition are cared for in hospital.
Nottinghamshire County Council has agreed to further extend free bus passes for Ukrainian refugees until March 2025.
A hospital is to be included in an NHS roll-out of a new rule allowing patients and their families to seek a second opinion on their treatment.
The six candidates standing for the new position of East Midlands Mayor have shared their hopes, ambitions and priorities ahead of the May election.
The election for the inaugural East Midlands Mayor will cost an “eye-watering” £4 million, a sizable chunk of the new authority’s annual budget.
The number of neonatal beds at the Queen’s Medical Centre is set to more than double from 17 to 38 by 2023.
Nottinghamshire County Council will look at whether it is getting the best value out of its County Hall headquarters.
More than 200 pigs found in shocking conditions have made good recoveries after being rescued.
A custody nurse has been suspended after a ‘deplorable’ list of misconduct.
A frustrated resident fears school buses are taking a dangerous journey down his village high street on a daily basis.