A three-in-one business has opened its doors, combining food, music and board games.
Former town mayor has appealed to councillors for donations to a Lancaster bomber memorial to be built on the A46.
A group vandalised a renowned dressmaker business in the town centre on Friday night.
A temporary police hub has opened its doors in Balderton.
A school’s computing club travelled to London to see a film they produced on the big screen.
Newark Masons have donated £1,000 to a charity in memory of former member Bernie Bosson.
In this week’s voxpop, the Advertiser asked people’s opinions on the benefits national cycling events bring to the town.
Top academy students have been rewarded for their endeavours at the school’s annual prize-giving.
Thousands of people are expected to attend Nottinghamshire’s annual Pride event this weekend.
The price of a school bus pass has risen over £100, adding to the rocky road parents find themselves on as the cost of living continues to rise.
A Fernwood care home carer received an award at the Bachester Care Awards.
A proposal by the Conservatives to create a second scrutiny committee at Newark and Sherwood Dstrict Council has failed to gain approval.
A festival to take place next month is bringing the community together to raise funds and collaborate on a creation of a flower veil.
Newark Emmaus Trust received £200 from an Ofsted outstanding rated fostering agency.
A new footology business has opened just outside the town centre.
In its weekly voxpop the Advertiser found out what people think of the new police hub in town centre.
Parents have been ordered to remove a garden fence, which they claim helps keep their autistic daughter safe.
Councillors have accused peers of wanting to line their pockets with tax payers’ money at a time when it has increased in the district.
A £400,000 redevelopment of church buildings is set to benefit people with reduced mobility.
A councillor said his authority had fallen at the first hurdle by rejecting plans for one of the UK’s largest energy storage facilities.