Work on a major flood defence scheme which could protect over 130 homes could start within months after formal plans were put forward.
A restaurant that opened a year ago is now the highest ranked Italian restaurant in the county.
A teenager has received a community award for the support he has given to his family in times of struggle and need.
This week we hit the streets of Newark to find out people’s thoughts on voting on local elections and its importance.
The Demon Dentist is a humorous and heart-warming story delivering a bubbly and fearful world of zero tooth fairies and tiny detectives.
A new DIY store is due to open next week, it has been confirmed.
Objections have been made to plans to change the use of town centre offices into apartments.
No closing date has been confirmed yet for a popular town centre pub.
A fundraising campaign has been launched to help a family return a young father’s body to his homeland after his sudden death at the age of 34.
A pigeon trapped in netting above a sports store died despite valiant attempts at saving it with the RSPCA unavailable to attend.
Bus services between Newark and Nottingham have started running under a new operator this week.
A pensioner in a mobility scooter fears for his and neighbours’ safety over a dangerous curve on his street.
A train company is to launch a new named service to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III.
A historic hall will open its doors and bluebell gardens to the community.
People entering Newark and Sherwood Community Lottery this month have the chance to win an Apple tech bundle as well as cash prizes.
A national attraction in the heart of Newark has announced permanent free opening for the district's residents.
A time capsule has been hidden during the building of a new village hall.
A former BBC presenter is returning to Newark Library for a new season of literature talks, starting today.
A substantial amount of cannabis grow was found by the police at a house with shocking living conditions.
A charity is planning to turn the town blue to raise money and remember lost loved ones.