A man has appeared in court charged in connection with a car key burglary in East Stoke.
Squats, bench-presses and deadlifts will feature in a contest designed to find Newark’s Strongest Man.
Pupils were inspired by a double Olympic champion as they were encouraged to take part in their school sports day.
Tables and chairs and parasols were broken in the beer garden of the Old Post Office pub in Newark following England's exit from the football World Cup last night.
Street lights on a busy thoroughfare have not been illuminated in seven years because they are believed not to be connected to the mains
An Olympic hockey gold medallist has spoken about her darkest days as she works to beat a long-standing battle against concussion.
The owners of a closed Newark pub are looking for a new landlord to reinvigorate the venue, which is set for £400,000-worth of investment.
Traffic issues were the main concern as town councillors objected to plans for 62 homes off Bowbridge Road, Newark.
Information is wanted about flash flooding that hit Sutton-on-Trent to try to ensure it does not happen again.
A Newark man was on target as he represented England at the first Slingshot World Cup.
A cycling club are holding a special event tomorrow (July 8) to raise money for cancer support charities.
Firefighters from Bingham will be a part of the effort to tackle wildfires in Lancashire this weekend.
Newark Flowserve joint manager Craig Roche said the football club was ready to step up a grade after a productive pre-season.
Boxing prospect Danny Steele proved himself on the international stage with victory in Dublin.
A javelin thrower learned a lot about her technique as she competed at an annual sporting carnival in Finland for the third time.
Plans for 56 extra parking spaces at Newark Sports and Fitness Centre were backed by town councillors.
There are fears the only playing fields in the north of Newark could be lost, never to be replaced.
Town councillors praised the latest plans for a Travelodge on the site of Newark’s former Robin Hood Hotel.
A hand-crafted sign has been put up in a village in a bid to protect ducks.
A golfer completed an impressive feat on the course to raise money for Cancer Research UK.