29 July 2020
Plans have been drawn up for a major new John Deere dealership at a growing business park on the outskirts of the town.
29 July 2020
The government scheme, which is available to diners every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between August 3 and August 31, offers a 50% discount.
29 July 2020
The power to handle smaller lockdowns has been given to councils like the city and county councils, should they be necessary.
29 July 2020
The Met Office says there will be 'very warm' weather on Friday, July 31.
29 July 2020
The high street chain, which has a Newark branch, launched a Back to School Fitting Guarantee for parents who take their kids to be measured in-store.
29 July 2020
Major Chris Brannigan is part-way through his walk from Land’s End in Cornwall to Edinburgh to fund research into his young daughter’s rare disease.
29 July 2020
A crew from Newark and police attended the incident at 5.17pm on Tuesday.
29 July 2020
Public Health England has released the daily figures for Newark and Sherwood and Nottinghamshire.
28 July 2020
It was closed by Nottinghamshire County Council to all through traffic on June 22 — excluding delivery and emergency vehicles.
28 July 2020
If you're looking for a washable and resusable fabric face covering, look no further! Here are some independent Newark businesses selling them.
28 July 2020
It will fund a series of crime prevention measures in the Chatham Court and Northgate areas of Newark.
28 July 2020
The trust runs Newark Hospital, King's Mill Hospital and Mansfield Community Hospital.
28 July 2020
An estate agents has strengthened its team with the appointment of two new starters, Jess Mitchell and Nick Lawton.
28 July 2020
The foal was born earlier this month to a mare called Ruby. Both are owned by Nottingham Trent University at its Brackenhurst Campus, Southwell.
28 July 2020
There have been eight reports of burglaries in and around the area and residents are now being urged to stay vigilant.
28 July 2020
The NG23 postcode was announced as a daily prize winner with the People's Postcode Lottery.
28 July 2020
Public Health England has released the daily figures for Newark and Sherwood and Nottinghamshire.
27 July 2020
The trust runs Newark Hospital, King's Mill Hospital and Mansfield Community Hospital.
27 July 2020
The trust’s safety culture programme has been shortlisted in the safety culture category.
27 July 2020
The new-look 2020-21 campaign, which is yet to be given a start date, will be the third straight season that Britten has taken the captaincy.