02 May 2008
Around 1,600 young people paraded through Southwell on Saturday to mark St George’s Day.
02 May 2008
A village pub has become the first in Nottinghamshire to be granted a licence to hold wedding services on the premises.
25 April 2008
More than 200 people stood for a minute’s silence before Southwell Rugby Club’s home fixtures on Saturday in memory of a former club member killed in Afghanistan.
25 April 2008
A youth football club catering for hundreds of players has outgrown its current ground and wants to expand.
25 April 2008
A group of history enthusiasts took a trip down memory lane when they were taken on a tour of Southwell’s historic pubs.
25 April 2008
Town councillors are calling for opponents of planned parking charges in Southwell to make their feelings known.
25 April 2008
Modern photographs are needed as part of a project to record the history of Southwell.
25 April 2008
The sounds of Africa echoed through Lowe’s Wong Junior School, Southwell, as pupils took part in drumming workshops.
25 April 2008
A former theatre in Southwell town centre is to be converted into a restaurant, despite a petition signed by 600 people opposing the idea.
25 April 2008
One of the nation’s biggest TV stars has paid tribute to his inspirational teachers at the Minster School, Southwell.
25 April 2008
Photographs of three generations of the same family who were married at a village church will be included in an exhibition.
18 April 2008
A Southwell author has completed the second book in his planned trilogy. Mr David Hughes (50) of Landseer Road, writes under the pseudonym, Ambrose Conway.
18 April 2008
A woman walked 95 miles along the West Highland Way to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital.
18 April 2008
A solicitor and members of Southwell Traders’ Association are threatening legal action against Newark and Sherwood District Council if charges are introduced at a town centre carpark.
18 April 2008
Modern street lamps erected in a Southwell conservation area have been described as “monstrosities” by a town councillor.
18 April 2008
A grandfather presented prizes to the winners of a school competition to design a road safety poster.
18 April 2008
A minute’s silence will be held before all Southwell Rugby Club fixtures tomorrow in memory of a club member and former third XV captain killed in Afghanistan on Sunday.
18 April 2008
Pupils created a picture of their school by mapping their routes around the site with global positioning system devices.
18 April 2008
A three-storey farmhouse could be used as a residential school if plans are approved by Newark and Sherwood District Council.
11 April 2008
Daffodil-themed pictures were exhibited as part of a competition held to raise money for a cancer charity.