150 attend health meeting
About 150 people attended a meeting on health services in Newark Town Hall last night.
The main concerns at the meeting, which was organised and chaired by the MP for Newark, Mr Patrick Mercer, were the need for more ambulances and better transport to hospitals.
The panel comprised representatives from the local primary care trust, NHS Nottinghamshire County, East Midlands Ambulance Service, Sherwood Forest Hospitals Trust, Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust, Nottinghamshire County Council and Newark and Sherwood District Council and GPs, who are leading and supporting the PCT’s Newark Healthcare Review.
The review includes plans to change Newark’s accident and emergency department to a minor injuries unit.
Health bosses say Newark is not a full A & E and cannot remain as it is because it does not meet national guidelines.
They stressed the hospital would not close and they were looking at the provision of more ambulances.
For the full report see next week’s Advertiser.