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Petition submitted to Newark and Sherwood District Council in opposition to Arkwood Developments’ plan for Lowfield Lane, Balderton

A 2,000-name petition has been handed over by campaigners fighting to protect green space from development.

Plans to build more 151 homes off Lowfield Lane, Balderton, have been submitted to Newark and Sherwood District Council by its own development company.

Vicky Hodgson and Des Kay created the petition, which collected more than 2,000 paper and online signatures. It was handed over to Newark and Sherwood District Council on Monday (July 1). Petitions will more than 1,000 signatures are considered for debate at a council meeting.

Peaceful protest to save Lowfield Lane wildlife in Balderton
Peaceful protest to save Lowfield Lane wildlife in Balderton

Vicky Hodgson said: “We expect a petition of over 2,000 signatures to trigger a debate with the full council. Their next meeting is July 16, so we wanted to engage the council in time for that though we are waiting to hear back if it will be at that meeting.

“Our feelings are that now the ecological impact assessment is complete, along with other statutory consultees reports such as Notts Wildlife Trust, the developer will be better informed as to the importance of the site.

“This development will cause a substantial loss of biodiversity and green space with barn owls and other fantastic wildlife so close to our community.”

Concern was also raised over the access proposals, which campaigners say will lead to greater congestion and danger for us all.

“It is owned by the local council and is a fantastic opportunity to protect this biodiversity and enhance its value as green space for us all to cherish and enjoy, more in line with the policy of the council and national government,” said Vicky.

One of the main reasons why residents have opposed the development is because it is said to cause a substantial loss of biodiversity and green space in the area, including barn owls.

Other consultees raised objections including Balderton Parish Council, county highways and Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust.

Protect Newark's Green Spaces environmental group object to development of land on Lowfield Lane due to flood risk. Credit: John Edlin.
Protect Newark's Green Spaces environmental group object to development of land on Lowfield Lane due to flood risk. Credit: John Edlin.

The developer amended the proposal in March this year following comments from Nottinghamshire County Council and Transport Planning.

The number of houses remains the same as initially proposed, however, amendments have been made to the layout.

The proposed development seeks to build up to 151 residential homes, comprising one-bedroom and up to five-bedroom dwellings, including new vehicular and pedestrian access from Mead Way, a high-quality pedestrian and cycling environment and associated hard and soft landscaping.

The residents’ opposition, which increased over the past few months, also includes poor traffic management and lack of highway impact information, risk of flood and loss of biodiversity including new species such as grassland, native hedgehogs, invertebrae and breeding birds.

Alongside the petition, residents and environmental activists have previously organised a peaceful protest around Lowfield Lane to highlight the importance of the site for the community.

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