Ambitions Personnel in Newark appeals for underwear donations for Smalls For All
A recuitment agency is collecting new underwear and new or lightly-worn bras to distribute to people in need in Africa.
Newark’s Ambitions Personnel is encouraging people to pick up a packet of pants along with their weekly food shop or on a trip into town.
All Ambitions Personnel branches are currently acting as collection points for any donations and women’s, men’s and children’s pants — with black being the most sought-after colour.
Alternatively, if you’ve had a spring clean-out, the charity is also grateful for any new or lightly used bras, which can be dropped off at any of Ambitions’ offices, which are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Ambitions has partnered with Smalls For All for the initiative, a charity that takes donations to Africa. In Africa, the charity helps those living in orphanages, slums and internally displaced persons camps and schools.
In many of the more remote or poorer areas of Africa, underwear is a luxury that isn’t easily available and, if it is, many people simply cannot afford it.
While giving pants and bras may seem like a small thing to many, it can actually make a life-changing difference. For example, having pants can help teenage girls complete their education without having to miss school each month during their period.
According to Smalls For All, bras are also seen as a status symbol in Africa. It is widely said that women and girls who are wearing a bra are less likely to be attacked or raped as they are seen as having someone who cares for them like a father, husband or brother.
The charity also helps other charities that focus on alleviating poverty in the UK by providing them with underwear. They currently have more requests from within the UK, particularly due to the increasing cost of living.
Ambitions Personnel managing director Mandy Watson said: “The work carried out by Smalls For All in both Africa and the UK is truly amazing. It’s so eye-opening to see how much of an impact a new pair of pants or bra can have on thousands of people, especially now knowing the meaning behind bras and underwear as a status symbol of security for girls, particularly in Africa.
“A lot of us take buying new underwear for granted, and that’s why I feel so honoured to be working with the charity to spread their message to make people aware of the struggles faced by others. I really hope that with our support, we can help them distribute even more underwear items to those who need them.”
Underwear donations can be taken to any Ambitions’ office before Monday, August 1. The Newark office is on Lombard Street.