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As I see it: Susan Crosby, Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Leisure at Newark and Sherwood District Council, talks of support for the community in the winter months

As is so often the case when we begin a new year the temperatures have recently plummeted with some of the district witnessing some snow and unfortunately rising floodwaters.

I thought I would take this opportunity to remind you what support is available to communities during these harsher months, writes Susan Crosby, Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Leisure at Newark and Sherwood District Council.

We understand that sleeping rough or facing the possibility of homelessness can be extremely distressing at this time of year. If you see anyone sleeping rough in our district or you or a family member or friend are facing being homeless, please call our Customer Services team on 01636 650 000 so we can direct you to services that can support.

Susan Crosby.
Susan Crosby.

Recently, we launched our Living Well in Newark and Sherwood booklet. We’ve created it with the aim that it will act as a central place for you to find important information including support and advice on a range of topics.

It includes details on where you can access food provision across the district as well as food hubs and social supermarkets who offer affordable groceries to those who may need them, including in an emergency.

The booklet also gives the locations and opening hours of warm spaces and coffee mornings that are open across the district. These informal, friendly, and welcoming social groups are a great opportunity for you to make new friends and enjoy a warming cuppa.

There are also several opportunities throughout Newark and Sherwood to eat with others also known as ‘social eating’.

You access the Living Well in Newark and Sherwood booklet on our website https://www.newarksherwooddc.gov.uk/health-and-wellbeing/resident-health-and-wellbeing/

If you or anyone you know is struggling with keeping your home warm this winter, please do get in touch with us as we can advise on support schemes that you may be eligible for including Warm Homes on Prescription and the Warm Home Hub.

There is also lots of information on our website to help you this winter and tips for how to stay safe driving on the roads, how to stay warm and what do to when there is snow and ice.

We work with partners to continuously monitor and respond to the risk of flooding across the district. Information is available on our website including the latest updates on flood warnings and road closures as well as what you should do in a flood and if there is a flood warden in your area, how to contact them.

Finally, please look out for each other. I know we are so lucky in Newark and Sherwood to have such an incredible sense of community and I know we are so good at checking on each other but please, if you can, check up on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be vulnerable to cold weather.

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