Newark Advertiser reader’s letter: Astounded by approval decision
Having read the article in the Advertiser covering the Newark and Sherwood District Council debate over plans for Newark Castle, the phrase that sprung to mind was two-faced.
Johno Lee was quite right when he said the modern building proposed was not in keeping with the building, and doubted the application would have been approved if it had been submitted by anyone else.
We often read in the Advertiser of applications being turned down because they are not in keeping with the surroundings. What is so different about this one, apart from the applicant?
I welcome the council’s efforts to do more with the castle. Indeed, for years I have been saying we do not make enough of this fantastic attraction.
However, I am astounded such a scheme has been given approval that will stick a modern structure on such a historic monument.
Yes, let’s bring in more tourists. Let’s face it, our local economy needs all the help it can get. But not at this cost. — R. Miller, Newark.