Woman sheds 100lbs after joining Weight Watchers in Tuxford
A woman who has managed to shed 100lbs says that if she can do it anyone can.
Kellie Hanrahan, 43, of Tuxford, said she had struggled with her weight for as long as she could remember.
“I used to be the girl who would sit on the sofa, with a packet of biscuits, doing nothing about my weight,” she said.
Two years ago Kellie reached a stage in her life where she decided it was time to do something about it.
“I knew it was now or never,” she said.
Kellie said she knew she needed help to achieve her weight loss and so joined a WW Group (formerly known as Weight Watchers) at Tuxford.
Her family were supportive and her dad promised a money reward each time she achieved a weight-loss milestone, as an incentive.
When Kellie began her journey she weighed 26st 7lbs.
In her first week of joining the group she lost a stone. She has continued to gradually lose weight over the past two years.
Members are encouraged to adopt healthy habits by eating better, moving more and developing a positive mindset.
Kellie said said that over Christmas, or while on holiday, she usually gained some weight, but she would then lose it when she returns to her group sessions.
She currently weighs 17st 2lb and said she was determined to keep going until she reaches her target.
“I’ll be really happy when I can go into a shop and get into a fitted dress comfortably,” she said.
Kellie said she could not have lost the weight without the help and support from her WW Group.
“It really is a great support system and inspires you to keep going,” she said.
Her wellness coach, Debbie Waby, said Kellie was one of her inspirational members.
“I am so proud of her journey to become healthier and sustain a healthy lifestyle,” she said.
“Kellie is a dedicated member and is always happy to share her success and tips from her journey, while getting the support of others when needed.”
Debbie said that all the group’s members encouraged and supported each other, which helped them achieve success.
“I am so proud of all of our members,” she said.
Kellie now keeps active by going swimming twice a week, and enjoys long walks with her partner.
“Climbing the stairs to my flat is no longer a struggle, like it used to be,” she said.
“I went on a 12-mile walk at the weekend which I never thought I’d enjoy doing, never mind be capable of.”
Kellie said she hoped her weight-loss would inspire others. She feels it has drastically improved her quality of life and her confidence.
“If I can do it, anyone can do it,” she said.
“My friends and family have definitely noticed a difference in me.”
Debbie runs her WW Group at the Beaches Community Centre, Birch Court, Tuxford.