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What’s on in the Advertiser area from January 9 to 17

A round-up of club meetings, community events and theatre and music shows for the week ahead:

Thursday, January 9

Balderton: Library, Rattle, Rhyme And Roll for babies and toddlers, 2.30pm-3pm

Newark: National Civil War Centre, Mini Museum play sessions for under fives, 10.30am-11.30am. Term-time only

Nottingham: Theatre Royal, Peter Pan pantomime, times vary, to January 12

Nottingham: Playhouse, Jack And The Beanstalk pantomime, times vary, to January 18

Nottingham: Rescue Rooms, Ana Popovic

Friday, January 10

Lincoln: New Theatre Royal, Daniel O’ Reilly - Out Of Character, 8pm

Newark: Library: Rattle, Rhyme And Roll for babies and toddlers, 10-10.30am; Chauntry social group, 12.30pm-2.30pm

Newark Library
Newark Library

Newark: London Road Congregational Church, open for quiet reflection, 2pm-4pm

Newark: Stray’s, live jazz, 7.30pm-9.30pm

Nottingham: Royal Concert Hall, Northern Live, 7.30pm

Southwell: Library, Lego club, 3:30pm-4:30pm

Saturday, January 11

Lincoln: New Theatre Royal, The Fleetwood Mac Legacy, 7.30pm

Newark: Stray’s, live jazz, 7.30pm-9.30pm

Southwell: Library, Lego club, 10am-noon

Southwell: Minster, guided tour of the minster, 10.30am-11.45am, 2pm-3.15pm; tour of Archbishop’s Palace and Palace Gardens, 12.15pm-1.15pm

Winthorpe: Newark Showground, Classic Bike Guide Winter Classic, and tomorrow

Sunday, January 12

Newark: Stray’s, live jazz, 1pm-3pm

Southwell: Minster, guided tour of minster, 1.30pm-2.45pm; tour of Archbishop’s Palace and Palace Gardens, 3pm-4pm

Monday, January 13

Newark: Library: Rattle, Rhyme And Roll for babies and toddlers, 10-10.30am

Southwell: Library, Rattle, Rhyme And Roll for babies and toddlers, 9.30am-10am; followed by stay and play

Tuesday, January 14

Newark: Bridge Centre, Newark Scottish Country Dance Society, 7.30pm- 9.30pm. Term times only

Southwell: Library, Storyhullabaloo, 4pm-4.30pm

Wednesday, January 15

Southwell: Minster, guided tour of minster, 10.30am-11.45am; tour of Archbishop’s Palace and Palace Gardens, 12.15pm-1.15pm

Thursday, January 16

Balderton: Library, Rattle, Rhyme And Roll for babies and toddlers, 2.30pm-3pm

Lincoln: New Theatre Royal, Some Guys Have All The Luck, 7.30pm

Newark: National Civil War Centre, Mini Museum play sessions for under fives, 10.30am-11.30am. Term-time only

Newark: Barnbygate Methodist Church Hall, Newark Choral Society rehearsal, 7.30pm

Nottingham: Playhouse, Jack And The Beanstalk pantomime, times vary, to Saturday

Nottingham: Bodega, Desperate Journalist

Friday, January 17

Lincoln: New Theatre Royal, Jack And His Giant Stalk, 7.30pm, and tomorrow

Newark: Library: Rattle, Rhyme And Roll for babies and toddlers, 10-10.30am; Chauntry social group, 12.30pm-2.30pm

Newark: London Road Congregational Church, open for quiet reflection, 2pm-4pm

Newark: Stray’s, live jazz, 7.30pm-9.30pm

Southwell: Library, Lego club, 3:30pm-4:30pm

Southwell: Minster, Coldplay By Candlelight, 7.30pm

Winthorpe: Newark Showground, Newark Quilt Show, and tomorrow

Do you have an event to include in our diary dates listing? Please send the details to news@newarkadvertiser.co.uk

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