Newark Advertiser reader letters: Driving away visitors
As with many people from the outlying villages, driving into Newark is always a challenge.
Drivers from Kelham face the joys of Cattle Market Roundabout.
Recently, just after 9am, traffic was queuing on the roundabout to get into Newark. This is because the crossing at Newark Castle seems to have the barrier down for long periods of time as trains crawl in or out of the station.
It does not end there as traffic often crawls down Northgate with traffic trying to exit for Aldi, entering or exiting M&S, and the same just further on to access the retail park
To have another large supermarket will be the straw which breaks the camel’s back.
The result will be less footfall in Newark, more empty shops and a town which has little appeal for people driving in.
People will shop elsewhere or online and a once appealing town will slowly die. — STEVE JOHNSON, Rolleston.