Ecology is school’s strength
Work relating to ecology and caring for the environment is a major strength of the curriculum at a school that was rated good in an Ofsted inspection.
Bowbridge Primary School, Newark, was rated outstanding for the extent to which pupils contribute to the school and wider community, the effectiveness of partnerships in promoting learning and wellbeing, and the effectiveness with which the school promotes equality of opportunity and tackles discrimination.
The lead inspector, Mr John Foster, said pupils achieved well.
He said pupils made consistently good progress because they were taught well.
He said their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development was good.
“Because of effective leadership and the good quality of teaching, care, guidance and support, the school is in a good position to sustain improvement,” he said.
In order to improve further, the school was asked to ensure the quality of teaching is consistently good or better and to improve the outdoor area for children in the nursery and reception classes.
Mr Foster said: “The staff’s high expectations result in good behaviour, particularly in lessons, where behaviour is often exemplary.
“The headteacher’s inspirational leadership ensures that staff share his vision to provide the best education possible for the children in their care.”
Mr Foster said a major strength of the curriculum was the work related to ecology and caring for the environment.
The head, Mr David Dixon, said the report reflected the hard work of a dedicated team of staff and governors.
Mrs Sue Trentini, the chairman of governors, said she was pleased the report recognised the hard work and effort put in by everybody to make the school a success.