Enduring images
It’s perhaps easier to reflect on 2010.
Internationally, incidents of note included the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the aftermath of which rumbles on, and the rescue of the Chilean miners — a story of survival and hope, particularly fitting as a new year approaches.
Nationally, a General Election brought a new government and then there was England’s not-so-surprising but nevertheless disappointing performance in the World Cup.
More recently, many will remember for a long time the picture of Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall as their car was attacked while they travelled to the London Palladium and became caught up in the student tuition fees protests.
The picture, as they so often do, told a thousand words and, in the United States, has even been used on memorabilia, including plates.
Pictures are remembered when words are long forgotten and those wanting to recall events closer to home should take a look at the Advertiser’s pictorial review of 2010.
Of course, it’s impossible to include every image of note but the faces and events featured help sum up some of the news stories and individual achievements.
Those who were there will long remember the sight of The Mercians, returned from Afghanistan, as they marched through Newark and into the Market Place. Thousands showed their support for the returning heroes.
As their fight continues, we wonder what the new year will bring at home and abroad, who or what will make the headlines and be in the pictures that summarise 2011.
Whatever is happening locally the Advertiser will do its best to keep you, our readers, in the picture. Happy new year to you all.
Christmas Postscript. The Advertiser’s editor-in-chief, in Australia for the cricket, reports there were smiles in Perth cathedral during the festival of nine lessons and carols when Test Match Special doyen Christopher Martin-Jenkins started to read the third lesson.
Taken from the eleventh chapter of Isaiah the first sentence began: “A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse…………”