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Fine threat to street games


Youngsters who annoy their neighbours by playing ball games in the street may face prosecution if they fail to heed warnings and cause a nuisance.

Officers at Newark and Sherwood District Council denied they were spoiling people’s fun, and said they were acting after several complaints.

The council said it had received complaints from residents whose gardens were damaged, or who had suffered because of the noise of balls being thrown or kicked against their walls and because of bad language.

The council has sent letters to the parents of culprits it has identified, telling them that if their behaviour did not improve, they could be arrested and fined up to £100.

The council’s anti-social behaviour co-ordinator, Mrs Lynn Pallett, said it was not the intention to spoil fun or discourage the playing of sports.

“The council actually promotes exercise and wants to promote exercise for younger people and older people,” she said.

“I am not trying to be a killjoy. I just want the youngsters to play in an acceptable manner and not go on to people’s gardens to retrieve balls without asking permission.

“The children are going on to people’s gardens and trampling plants and are giving verbal abuse to people who ask them not to or tell them to ask when they want to retrieve their balls.

“I want them to play in their own gardens or a place designated for people to play.

“I don’t want them to stop playing because I think it is fantastic they want to.”

Mrs Pallett said the letters were aimed at the minority of children who were damaging people’s cars and gardens.

She said: “They are trespassing and causing criminal damage and it has gone beyond a joke. In extreme cases we will take further action.”

Children who continue to annoy their neighbours will be prosecuted under section 161 of the Highways Act 1980, which makes it an offence to play football or any other game on a highway, to the annoyance of a user of the highway.

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