Nottinghamshire Police supports national seatbelt campaign
The police force is using a mixture of education and enforcement in support of a national campaign raising awareness of the importance of wearing a seatbelt.
As part of Nottinghamshire Police's daily patrols officers are particularly focusing on drivers and their passengers who are not wearing seatbelts.
The aim of the campaign, which is running until 14 July, is to educate people on the dangers of ignoring the law.
Officers will engage with drivers and explain the relevant legislation, however if they think it’s appropriate they will take enforcement action.
Every driver stopped for not wearing a seatbelt will also be breath-tested and, if applicable, subjected to a drugs wipe procedure.
Legislation states that drivers are responsible for ensuring that suitable safety restraints are worn by all passengers under 14-years-old.
Passengers over 14-years-old are responsible for wearing their own seatbelt and can therefore face prosecution.
Children must use an appropriate child car restraint for their weight until they are 135cm tall, or their 12th birthday, whichever is first.
Failure to wear a seatbelt carries a fine of £100. If prosecuted, the maximum fine could be anything up to £500.
Chief Inspector Simon Allardice, of Nottinghamshire Police’s Operational Support, said: “Seatbelts save lives and their importance can’t be stressed enough.
“All too often officers are attending collisions where the simple act of wearing a seatbelt or using and securing the correct child restraint could have avoided injury or even saved someone’s life.
“In a crash you would be twice as likely to die without wearing a seatbelt and not doing so not only puts you at risk, but your passengers and other road users as well.
“Children are particularly vulnerable, so please ensure that they are appropriately restrained whilst travelling. This campaign is primarily about education, but we will not hesitate to take enforcement action where it is appropriate.
"Reducing injury and death on our roads is one of our priorities and the key thing to remember is that seatbelts do save lives.
"The aim of this campaign is ultimately to keep people safe, especially on Nottinghamshire’s roads. It’s also to engage with road users to raise awareness of the need for seatbelts and appropriate child restraint.
“We will be engaging with and educating drivers about the importance of wearing seatbelts during this national campaign but we will not hesitate to take enforcement action where it is deemed appropriate.”