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Forward thinking


Indeed, the one he has was specially set up for the former Serviceman who suffers chronic pain due to arthritis in his spine.

Now, because he has moved to a property that is not adapted for a wheelchair user, he seems set to lose it.

That is despite Mr Green’s assurance that it is only a matter of time before the necessary adaptations are carried out.

Without the wheelchair Mr Green says he will need extra help from social services, the NHS and Mansfield Community Hospital. And that will not be cheap.

The NHS may issue the wheelchair to another deserving patient, but it would need to be set up differently for them.

What happens when work on Mr Green’s home is complete and it does meet the relevant criteria? Will another wheelchair have to be specially adapted?

Mr Green believes he can cope until the work on his house is done. During that time his need for a wheelchair will not go away.

Surely, using a little foresight, someone can relax the rigid application of the criteria applied to his case. Otherwise it seems there will be no escape for Mr Green from the red tape and bureaucracy he finds himself caught up in.

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