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Having a say on health


People in Newark on Friday were asked their opinions about the future of health services in the town.

The county PCT, NHS Nottinghamshire County, manned an information stall in the Market Place to raise awareness of a public consultation due to start later this month.

Doctors and clinicians are leading a review of all NHS services ahead of predicted population growth over the next 20 years.

The PCT also wants to take into account changes in clinical standards at a national level.

Mr Ralph Bennett (61) of Riverside Road, Newark, was among those who visited the PCT’s stall.

He said the healthcare in Newark was reasonable for the size of the town but could be better.

“There is no children’s healthcare and the number of NHS dentists is appalling,” he said.

He said access to GP surgeries for those who worked full time and outside the town was poor.

A communications officer for NHS Nottinghamshire County, Miss Rachael Patterson, said: “We want to give people the opportunity in the heart of Newark to comment.

“We want to raise awareness and get people ready for the public consultation.”

About 25 people attended an open public meeting at Newark Town Hall about the review, which includes Newark Hospital.

They heard from the director of public health for NHS Nottinghamshire County, Dr Chris Kenny, and its medical director, Dr Doug Black.

Speaking about the hospital, Dr Black said: “We want to be in a position to plan and develop an increased range of services being delivered from that facility.”

People can have their say on NHS services by visiting

www.nottspct.nhs.uk/newarkor emailing newark@nottspct.nhs.uk

Once ready, a copy of the consultation document can be requested by calling 01623 673125.

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