Help for hospice
The continuing response to its major fundraising events is a measure of the value placed on the wonderful service it has provided in the Newark area since 1987.
In 2009-10 it provided care for 418 patients with life-limiting or terminal illnesses and their families.
That’s a lot of help for a lot of people and it costs a lot of money so the fundraising effort is never-ending.
The hospice needs £700,000 a year to provide care and support to patients and families and £500,000 of that is raised through public donations.
It could be argued that hospice services should be paid for through the NHS but that’s never going to happen.
Every penny counts, from the thousands raised at events like the Sleepwalk to the more modest, but no less welcome, donations from coffee mornings and raffles.
One of those taking part in the Sleepwalk was Mrs Glenis Grandorge who was walking in memory of her sister.
“It really is a fantastic cause and the charity relies a lot on donations to provide a service which is invaluable to people in need,” she said.
The hospice has deservedly found a place in the hearts of a generous public.