Holiday inspires appeal
A holidaymaker is hoping to raise money to help a family he met while travelling in Africa.
Mr George Eley has appealed for donations for the Manjang family, a family-of-nine from The Gambia.
Mr Eley (71) of Wellow Road, Eakring, met them five months ago while on holiday, and was shocked at the conditions in which they live.
He said: “They live in appalling conditions.
“The roof is made of corrugated metal sheeting and when it rains the water leaks through and makes the beds everything else wet.
“The shower outside is a breeze block construction which has been there 20 years and is covered in green slime and the water comes from a bucket filled from the well.
“The cooking house is a corrugated breeze block construction which gets very smoky, and there is no flooring in the house either.
“There’s a mother and father, five children, grandmother and grandfather and the grandfather’s brother all living in the same house.”
Mr Eley, who runs Eley Pest and Field Service, a pest control business in Ollerton, said spiralling food costs were also affecting the family.
He said: “Rice is their staple food and a bag of rice, which will feed the family for a week, costs £20 — about three weeks wages — so what are they meant to do?
“It worries me because I’ve seen it and it hurts me. I feel for them.”
Mr Eley said he met many people in The Gambia who he wanted to help.
But, he said, because he was getting older, he was unable to donate as much money to the families as before so he hoped businesses and individuals would help raise money.
He said: “There are people all over the world who are in trouble and it is difficult for people to decide where to give money but the people in The Gambia have very little if any help.”
Anyone wanting to help should contact Mr Eley on 01623 870606 or 07983 770630.