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Newark Advertiser reader letters: Impossible dream for social housing

I have always maintained that the current council house crisis can be firmly laid at the door of Margaret Thatcher.

In my opinion she was misguided to virtually give away all our council housing stock. We are all aware of the hypocrisy of the present government so what else is new?

Now the government is currently reviewing the length of time an occupier has to be residence — currently three years, which is too short a time period in my view.

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Letters stock image

Council houses for people who cannot afford a mortgage is, on the face of it, a good idea.

A decade between getting a council house and then being able to capitalise on it the property is, in my opinion, about right. Certainly not the current three years.

The current housing minister is just dreaming when he says “we need to build at least 15m new council houses to fulfill the demand”.

Where’s the land? This can be achieved, he said, over the next Parliament. A man with impossible dreams, I’m afraid.

Angela Raynor says too many council houses have been sold before being replaced.

She made a profit of £48,500 on the sale of her council house under the old right to buy scheme. So it’s ok for her to make money but not anyone else?

The point about socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money. — Chris Hobby, Newark.

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