Independent Adrian Amer announces candidacy to become next Newark MP
A top criminal barrister and environmental advocate has announced his candidacy for the upcoming General Election — focusing on hope for the future.
Adrian Amer today (May 18) announced, at an event at the Saracen’s Head, Southwell, he will be standing as an independent candidate for Newark at the next General Election — which must be held by January 28, 2025.
The seat is currently held by Conservative Robert Jenrick.
Mr Amer, who grew up in Hucknall and now lives in Newark, currently represents Castle Ward on Newark and Sherwood District Council and is one of Britain's leading criminal law barristers with nearly 40 years of experience in law.
He said: “The reason I am standing is — because of the gross dereliction of duty by both major political parties since the turn of the century, even longer perhaps — to restore some sort of political justice into our political system.
“We’re nearly a quarter of a century into this century. What have we actually achieved? What has the country really achieved other than a steady decline in living standards for more and more people, and nothing short of a spectacular increase in the cost of living for most people.
“It simply isn’t good enough any longer — especially for us, and especially in this country. Now is the time to stop the rot and bring both major political parties to account.
“Most people have lost trust in politics, politicians, seriously question all the existing institutions and infrastructure — ranging from our paralysed parliament, bureaucratic civil service, the corridor treatment of the sick NHS, despondent education system, the crumbling court system, elusive criminal justice, chaotic and outdated public transport, chronic housing, childcare deficiency, exploding mental health problems, as well as the deteriorating environment, quickening climate change and the affects of these institutions, conditions and events on ordinary everyday people like you and me.”
He added that if he didn’t stand and try to rectify those “inhumanities and injustices” his “life here on earth is wasted”, and he would do this without “screaming and shouting from the rooftops” or “ranting and raving” on social media.
“We’re British, we live in Britain. We should be proud of it, with all this country still has to offer, Mr Amer said.
“We must restore trust and integrity and ethics into our politics. Our children and grandchildren will suffer if we don’t.
“Lastly, we must offer hope for the future… I hope to deliver it.”
The soundtrack to his announcement was Donna Summer’s State Of Independence.
Addressing the gathered crowd at the launch, he said: “She and her music remind us all we live in a multicultural society, and that we should all live in peace and harmony with each other.
“There are still many sections of society affected by poverty, deprivation, prejudice and who are still woefully underrepresented. No matter what colour, what creed, what race, what sex, what sexual orientation or gender, these are simple things that we must, in our own way, fight against in our society — and yes, I actually do believe in society.
“If we don’t guard against such prejudice and injustice, all our hard won freedoms will one by one be degraded, denied, lost, and we will end up being a lost nation.”
Among Mr Amer’s priorities is a vision for an improved criminal justice system.
Drawing on his own experience as a barrister — in intellectual property law, corporate law, and now predominantly criminal law where he claimed he “only defends the innocent” — he set out his vision for a better system.
He said: “As late as yesterday afternoon I helped, at Lincoln Crown Court, to prosecute and sentence a paedophile, who received a very substantial jail sentence. I also convict murderers, rapists, sexual assaulters, those who coerce and control, and modern day slave masters.”
He stated it was time women and children, generally being the victims of these crimes, “were given proper protection under the law, as well as given true equal rights”.
He also expressed his beliefs in a zero-tolerance crime system, claiming it must be worked towards otherwise crime “eats into the heart of decent and civilised society”. In response to past claims it is too costly, he added: “What price is your safety. What price to help the vulnerable. What price guiding the young away from crime. What price properly helps victims of crimes, and those who are truly innocent of any wrongdoing?”
“We all know affects of illegal drugs, knife crime, anti-social behaviour, shoplifting, and the more serious crimes upon our society — and we should never forget the mental health impact it has on victims. We ignore all these issues at our peril.”
The independent candidate also has a focus on the environment.
Mr Amer said: “We all know it is deteriorating fast — many would say at an alarming rate.”
He said that he had been convinced there is “environmental hope for the future” — but that time is running out.
“I will be pursuing pressing environmental concerns to the best of my ability if elected,” he stated.
“I appreciate I may not be elected, but I am hoping I will be in Newark with your help.”
He outlined plans to support the access to nature bill, promote a green industrial revolution, and to enable the country to be energy self-sufficient — which he believes will be key to a secure future.
While not touched upon so deeply in his announcement, Mr Amer’s campaign also highlighted his aims to: protect the NHS by engaging with staff carers and patients to gather insight, and increasing budget and resource allocations; create a capped immigration policy to allow better integration while helping the most vulnerable and taking quicker action to deport recently arrived convicted criminals; boost quality of life by improving access to housing and education opportunities, more apprenticeships and improving sub-standard homes; seek efficient flood relief measures and fight water pollution; provide cost of living support; and revitalise town centres, tourism and public transport, among others.
Some points, including the improvement of town centres, transport and tourism overlap with the priorities of recently elected East Midlands Mayor Claire Ward — and Mr Amer confirmed that where “reasonable,sensible, practical and decent” he would seek to collaborate with the Mayor, but emphasised that he had no interest in “political point scoring” or “subterfuge”.
As for his existing role as a district councillor for Newark and Sherwood Mr Amer said he wasn’t sure what the policy would be for the situation if he was elected, but “if people want me to stay I will. If people think it’s best I don’t, I am happy to leave.”
He confirmed he would “probably” step back from his work as a barrister, and said: “I’d like to devote all of my time to civic duties.”
Although, he believes his past work will benefit him due to his “immense variety of experience of life” compared to those who have trained in solely in politics.
Mr Amer said: “They don’t understand the difficulty of working in a factory, of working in a struggling NHS, of working in the criminal justice system.”
Concluding Mr Amer’s announcement, campaign manager Emma Oldham added: “I’ve seen Adrian shoulder to shoulder with community groups. He is not afraid to get his sleeves up there and get stuck in.
“He refuses to use a car, he walks and takes public transport. He doesn’t just talk the talk.”
Marianne Overton, leader of the Local Government Association Independent Group also made a short speech, and emphasised that past independent MP’s has shown a genuine commitment to getting the right results and representing their constituents.