LICENSING ACT 2003 - MAJOR VARIATION - Tesco, Main Street, Balderton
An apptlication has been made
to Newark and Sherwood
council to vary a premises
licence under section 34 of the
Act by Tesco Stores Ltd, in
respect of Tesco, Main Street,
Balderton, NG24 3LL.
The variation proposes a
change and extension to the
hours the store can sell alcohol
(as indicated below) and also
the removal of all Good Friday
and Christmas day restrictions
on the licence.
Monday to Sunday
06:00 – 23:00
The licensing register and a
record of the application may
be inspected at the offices of
Newark and Sherwood District
Council, Licensing Section,
Kelham Hall, Newark, NG23
5QX between normal office
hours Monday to Friday except
public holidays.
Any representation by a
responsible authority or an
interested party must be made
in writing to the council by
4th September 2018.
It is an offence to knowingly
or recklessly make a false
statement in connection with an
application, for which a person
is liable on summary conviction
to a maximum fine of £5,000.