Lowest of the low
A widow is appealing for help in finding those responsible for damaging a marble headstone on her husband’s grave in the cemetery on Forest Road, Ollerton.
Mrs Betty Nuttall (60) of Maid Marion Way, Boughton, said: “This crime is the lowest of the low. I feel very scared to visit the cemetery now.”
Mr Barry Nuttall died six years ago, aged 66, after suffering from cancer for 20 years. The couple had been married for 36 years.
The damage was discovered by a cemetery warden on May 22 when he unlocked the gates. He contacted the police who then broke the news to Mrs Nuttall.
Mrs Nuttall, who visits her husband’s grave every week said: “I was getting ready to go down to the cemetery, I even had my grass strimmer on charge when the police rang and told me what had happened.
“They said it had been badly damaged and that flowers had been thrown all over.”
The top half of the headstone had been smashed off and marble graveside flowerpots were found strewn over other graves.
Mrs Nuttall has four daughters Mrs Julie Sims (41) Miss Debbie Nuttall (37) Mrs Karen Godber (36) all of Maid Marion Way, Boughton, and Mrs Lyn Allan (34) of Markhams Close, Ollerton. They are upset by what has happened.
Mrs Godber said: “It looks as though someone has tried to scratch out the initials with a hammer or something.
“And the love heart which was engraved on the headstone has been broken in two.”
Miss Nuttall, described the vandalism as nasty and thoughtless.
She said: “We believe in karma — what bad things you do in your life will come back on you tenfold.
“Our dad was very much loved by everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him.
“It has enraged a lot of people who knew our dad and will probably enrage a lot of people that did not know him.
The cost to replace the gravestone will be over £1000.
Mrs Karen Godber said she thought it was a personal attack on the family because the amount of effort it must have taken to break the marble headstone was phenomenal.
Pc Colin Oakley of Ollerton police said: “We are treating this as a very serious incident and it has been a very upsetting experience for the family.
“It looks as though someone has struck the headstone with some sort of blunt instrument.
“I am convinced someone must have seen or heard something. But as yet no witnesses have come forward.”
Anyone who has any information should contact Ollerton police station on (01623) 420999 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.