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Newark’s National Civil War Centre to reopen its doors after more than 100 days

More than 100 days after closing its doors due to the covid-19 pandemic, Newark’s National Civil War Centre is getting ready to open again.

The centre, on Appletongate, will re-open from Wednesdays to Saturdays, 10am to 3pm, from next week.

The National Civil War Centre is reopening. (38057677)
The National Civil War Centre is reopening. (38057677)

Until August 31, entry to the National Civil War Centre will be free to Newark and Sherwood residents and half price for all other visitors.

The museum’s team have been hard at work ensuring the venue is covid-secure.

A one-way route through the museum has been introduced, which maximises the opportunity for social distancing.

To allow for this, two galleries on the top floor have been temporarily closed and some hands-on interactive displays removed.

However, additional exhibits and information have been added alongside a new trail that highlights some of the museum’s most fascinating objects as it guides visitors around the museum.

To ensure social distancing, the museum is now operating with a maximum capacity.

Entry will be by timed slots and visitors are encouraged to book in advance online at www.nationalcivilwarcentre.com

Hand sanitiser stations, alongside themed Civil War trivia, are available.

The museum will undergo a daily deep clean as well as hourly cleans during the day.

District council leader David Lloyd said: “This news should be a welcome boost for the town centre, as both residents and visitors can begin to enjoy what Newark has to offer once again.”

While the museum’s on-site eatery, Café Nineteen20, remains closed at present, its gift shop will re-open along with the centre.”

A video is to be put on the website explaining the measures that have been put in place.

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