More than 30 people take part in Sleepout run by Newark and Sherwood District council to raise funds for homeless charities
More than 30 people took part in a Sleepout on Friday run by Newark and Sherwood District Council.
Officers from the district council, councillors and family members — some as young as 16-years-old — spent the night in Castle House carpark.
The night was held to raise awareness of rough sleepers and raise funds for local homeless charities.
A kit list was given to participants to ensure the night was a realistic experience, and shelter building was part of the evening’s activities with donated cardboard boxes.
By the end of the Sleepout volunteers had raised £2,649.
"It is a sad reality that a significant number of people are homeless or at risk of being so in Newark and Sherwood," said John Robinson, district council chief executive.
"Lots is being done to tackle the problem and our Sleepout is a way of helping to raise awareness and develop an understanding that none of us are immune from the risk of homelessness.
"Of course, this is just a taste of what it is really like — it is not that cold right now and we all get to go back to warm homes and full fridges."
The council also operates an emergency shelter during the winter to help keep rough sleepers warm when the temperature drops.
If you wish to donate you can do so at
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