Newark mum swaps Morrison's job for carer role with Kare Plus, which operates in Ollerton and Edwinstowe
A mother who left her job to work as a carer to provide extra help during the coronavirus pandemic has been nominated as the Advertiser’s Citizen Of The Week.
Amanda Holland, of Newark, was nominated by her daughter, Charlotte, who was full of praise for her mother
“My mum left Morrison’s to work in care,” she said.
“She had wanted to do it for a while, but when all of this came about she took the plunge and she’s gone from being a key worker at Morrison’s to now being a key worker working in people’s homes — she’s amazing.”
Amanda had previously worked in the care industry before spending more than five years at the Newark supermarket.
“She has only been working there for three or four weeks, but she jumped in to doing it because she wanted to make a difference,” said Charlotte.
Amanda works for Kare Plus Newark, which caters for those who prefer the comfort of their own home.
“Instead of being located in a home, we travel around the district to places like Ollerton and Edwinstowe,” said Amanda.
“It was just a matter of when, and it was needed especially at this time (during the coronavirus pandemic).
“Being in Morrison’s, where they have got the staff, it made sense to leave and help where I could.
“I love my job now and it is really nice. You have such a personal touch with this.
“You get to go out and have conversations with people, and you get to know people differently. It is just nice. I enjoy it.”