Driver refusing to pay fine issued by UKCPS at Northgate Retail Park, Newark
A mother of two says she will not pay a £100 fine issued for parking outside an allocated carpark space while visiting a shop.
Clair Emmott, from Newark, is the latest to be fined after parking at Northgate Retail Park to pick up a parcel from Next.
She says she could not fit in the bay because another car was encroaching on the space, so one wheel was on a slab next to the bay.
A UKCPS parking warden took pictures of the car and filled the report and she received a letter with the fine through the post.
“I parked at the retail park and because the car that I was parked next to was actually parked on the slab so I did exactly the same," Clair said.
“You can see on the photo that my car is parked, that the wheel is basically hanging over the bay.
“I got both of my children out, ran in next, picked up my parcel and I come back to the car, we left.”
Clair sent a letter to UKCPS appealing to the fine, pointing out her arguments and codes of practice.
UKCPS dismissed her appeal against the fine.
In a letter the company said: “Vehicles parking at the above location must be parked correctly within the confines of a marked bay.
“Parking out of marked bays can cause obstruction, inconvenience and safety hazards to other users of the car park.
“By parking the vehicle outside the confines of a marked bay, the driver contractually agrees to pay a parking charge.”
She claimed: “The reason I parked in such a manner is because upon arrival, another vehicle was encroaching into my parking space, preventing me from parking fully within the ‘marked bay’.
“I just got a couple of arguments against it because for one the bay is not actually marked. I've been back where I parked and I took pictures and all and the bay isn’t actually marked.
“They just came out with all this rubbish that you entered into a contract in the carpark and that the contract is that you park within the lines, I get it all but all just sounds like rubbish.”
Clair says she does not intend to pay the fine.
“I’m going try and fight it all the way if I can," she said.
“I saw that they did it to other people so I believe that the more people that speak out the better.
“I don’t see how they can charge someone something like that.
“I don’t plan on paying it.”