Inspector Charlotte Ellam, District Commander for Newark and Sherwood, provides update on policing in the area — including new beat managers and localised priorities
Welcome to my latest blog. Since my last update there have been a number of changes within the Neighbourhood Policing Team, writes Inspector Charlotte Ellam, District Commander for Newark and Sherwood.
We have implemented a new shift pattern which is providing a greater level of cover across the district. This will allow us to provide greater consistency in terms of our targeted activities and patrols.
We have welcomed two new beat managers to the department, PC Richard Bombroffe and PC Olivia Greenwood, who are both joining the Newark team and are tasked with focusing on proactive policing. We expect to welcome further new officers who will be joining the Sherwood team in December. The increase in officer numbers is hugely beneficial and great for the community.
We have a new process through which we will be setting our local policing priorities for each quarter. Traditionally we have had three priorities which are themes we will focus upon across the area. The new process is more specific, looking at localised issues with a clear and detailed plan of actions to be undertaken within that quarter.
Leading on from this I can report that the Local Policing Priorities for October to December are:
Newark: Crime and anti-social behaviour in Bridge Ward and Town Centre. Both areas have had issues with crime and anti-social behaviour which clearly have caused significant community concern. We have, and continue to, work with Newark and Sherwood District Council to use all available options to tackle this issue.
Sherwood: Road Safety and Nuisance Vehicles. Feedback from the residents of Sherwood consistently and overwhelmingly sights speeding, vehicle-linked anti-social behaviour, car cruising, and road safety as a priority.
The team are already working hard on these issues, and we will be reporting on our activities and progress via our social media channels. I look forward to providing a full update on our activities next time.
The priorities are decided upon based on crime data, the views of partner agencies, and most importantly by considering community feedback.
This feedback is collated through surveys conducted via the Notts Alerts system. If you want your views and concerns to be heard in this process, please sign up to Notts Alerts — you can find out how to do it here.
The team’s efforts were recently recognised at the force’s Problem-Solving Showcase, with Op Cognition receiving an award. Op Cognition was an initiative first created in Newark by DC Colin Howe and PS Rob Harrison as part of Safer Streets.
The idea is to raise public awareness about the consequences of mixing cocaine and alcohol, and how this can result in violent and aggressive behaviour by the user. This in turn allows the user, their partner, family, and friends to safeguard themselves if the drug and alcohol use continues. The Op is now being rolled out force wide and has the support of a variety of partner agencies.
The team are continuing their patrols of hot spot areas, but as ever this activity is based on the information we receive from the public. If you are experiencing issues with anti-social behaviour then please report these via 101 (999 in an emergency) or via the online portal, so that we can act.