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Newark Choral Society set for new season, with winter, spring, and summer concerts planned

A choral society’s new season is set to begin next month, ahead of three performances in the next year.

Newark Choral Society’s new season will begin on Thursday, September 12, with rehearsals to take place in the halls at Barnbygate Methodist Church.

Under the musical direction of Robert-John Edwards the society will prepare for a winter concert, in December as well as music for both spring and summer events.

Barnbygate Methodist Church.
Barnbygate Methodist Church.

The choir will be concentrating on Handel’s Messiah during the early rehearsals.

Society chairman, Michael Wilson, said: “We have continued to develop under the direction of Robert-John Edwards who has been full of praise for the standard of our singing with last season’s concerts being musically most successful.

“This season Newark Choral Society will concentrate on repertoire which fits our resources with concerts in December, April and June this season.”

New members are always welcome, and there is no audition but there are high expectations for all members to sing at a good standard.

Rehearsals take place on Thursdays from 7.30pm.

Mr Wilson added: “I look forwarded to welcoming back all singers who want to be part of Newark Choral Society, especially basses of which we do need more.”

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