Newark and Sherwood District Council Town and Country Planning - Planning applications for consideration
Newark and Sherwood District Council
Town and Country Planning (Development
Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Notice Under Article 13
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation
Areas) Act 1990
The Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment)
Regulations 2011
We are considering applications for the following:
18/01511/FUL – Householder application for erection
of an estate fence and gate on the front boundary –
The Laurels 20 The Green
18/01453/FUL – Demolition of existing 28 square
metre rear single storey extension, new build 53
square metre single storey rear extension,
refurbishment and internal alterations to pub and
restaurant areas, with new beer garden with secure
fencing. – Royal Oak Public House 44 High Street
18/01508/FUL – Householder application for installation
of a clock tower on the roof of the attached garage
(resubmission) – Crane Cottage 38 Main Street
18/01509/LBC – Installation of a clock tower on the roof
of the attached garage – Crane Cottage 38 Main Street
18/01460/LBC – Proposed Alterations and Conversion
of Outbuildings to form a new dwelling, new brick car
port, and associated landscaping and access works.
– 39 London Road
18/01459/FUL – Proposed Alterations and Conversion
of Outbuildings to form a new dwelling, new brick car
port, and associated landscaping and access works.
– 39 London Road
18/01500/CPRIOR – Notification of Prior approval for a
proposed change of use of a building from office use
(Class B1(a)) to 18 flats (Class C3) – Former Job
Centre Crown Building 41 Lombard Street
18/01464/LBC – Partial demolition and rebuild of outer
leaf of southern gable end wall to improve structural
stability – The Offices Castle Brewery
18/01481/FUL – Householder application for proposed
single storey rear extension – 119 Valley Prospect
18/01462/FUL – Demolition of Bungalow. Erection of
Replacement Bungalow and Garage – The Retreat
Bishops Drive
18/01360/FUL – Variation of condition 2 attached to
planning permission 17/01839/FUL to amend the
approved plan so to raise the internal floor level, door
and window cill level and installation of external steps
– Land At Rear 37 Easthorpe
Sutton On Trent
18/01470/FUL – Householder application for proposed
demolition of existing rear extension and erection of
new rear extension to include kitchen and bedroom
accommodation. – Kinver Edge 37 High Street
18/01469/LBC – Replacement of existing gates to
courtyards with new solid hardwood gates. – Manor
Farm Barn Beck Street
18/01468/FUL – Replacement of existing gates to
courtyards with new solid hardwood gates. – Manor
Farm Barn Beck Street
18/01451/FUL – Application for variation of condition
02 of planning consent 16/00965/FUL (Proposed
retention of ‘The Red Lion’ public house (following its
alteration and refurbishment) and the erection of 3no.
dwellings and 1no. dormer bungalow and garaging)
to retain a larger public house footprint as explained
in accompanying letter – The Red Lion Public House
Southwell Road
Details may be inspected on our website: www., during normal office
hours at Castle House or at the Town/Parish Council
by appointment. You can submit comments on our
website or by letter to Growth and Regeneration
Business Unit, Castle House, Great North Road,
Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1BY, (include
application number), no later than 06/09/2018. The
personal information you provide will only be used
by the Council, in accordance with General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016 and used for the
purposes of determining the planning application. It is
important you consider the content of your comment,
as correspondence will be made available for public
inspection (including public and press) at our offices
without the removal of any personal information. We
do not publish comments on our website however if
a copy is requested, we will only remove the author’s
name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses
and signatures but all comments relating to an
application will be visible. Please see our website
for further information regarding commenting on
a planning application and our privacy notice.
For all appeals against refusal, comments will be sent
to the Planning Inspectorate without the removal of
any personal information. We will remove the author’s
name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses
and signatures for comments passed to appellant.
In the event of an appeal regarding a ‘householder
application’, comments will be sent to the Planning
Inspectorate and there will be no further opportunity
to comment at appeal stage. Further information can
be found on their website.