Newark Advertiser reader letters: Saturated market for shoppers
When I first heard that Sainsbury’s was planning to turn the Homebase store into a supermarket on Northgate I thought brilliant, we need a big superstore that sells homewares, clothes as well as food in Newark, but after further cosideration I don’t think Northgate Retail Park is an ideal location.
Firstly, the traffic would cause even further congestion and secondly, I can’t see how the carpark would be large enough to accommodate a superstore.
Most importantly, we already have four supermarkets. Morrisons, Asda, Waitrose and Aldi within a few miles of each other, all adding to the congestion.
We really need a supermarket on the outskirts of the town, preferably on the Balderton, Fernwood, Middlebeck side where there are loads of new houses being built and no supermarket to accommodate them. — Julie Stephens, via email.