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School’s work wins praise


INSPECTORS found that Dayncourt School, Radcliffe, provides a satisfactory education and shows signs of improvement.

Ofsted inspectors visited the school, which recently acquired foundation status, for two days.

They said standards were broadly average and achievement was satisfactory, following considerable improvement in GCSE grades this year.

Their report said behaviour was satisfactory overall and improving.

It said lessons were at least satisfactory and many had good features, particularly those that included some practical activities.

The inspectors said teachers structured their lessons carefully but their teaching strategies sometimes lacked variety and challenge.

The report said a review of the curriculum ensured it was more relevant to students’ interests and needs, although statutory requirements for religious education and ICT were only partially in place.

The inspectors felt there was improved support for children at risk of under-achieving.

They felt the school had been steered successfully through a complicated period by the head, Mr Tim Mitchell and his senior team.

It said Dayncourt’s specialist status in sport was effective in improving many aspects of the school’s work.

The report said improvements was evident in all areas identified at the last inspection.

It said the pupils in the sixth form made satisfactory progress and attained broadly average standards.

They said the curriculum was narrow in the sixth form but a post-16 partnership with a further education college and another school would widen options.

The inspectors recommended the school develop a wider range and variety of teaching strategies, implement procedures for monitoring and tracking the progress in the sixth form and to ensure the curriculum fully meets statutory requirements.

The head, Mr Mitchell said the report was a tribute to the dedication and hard work of students, staff and community.

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