Seeking art expertise
A group is looking for artists to share their expertise at its weekly meetings.
Journey Art group, which meets in the Byron Room at Newark Palace Theatre on Mondays from 1.30pm-4.30pm, is also seeking donations of materials including paint.
The group, formed in November, evolved from the New Art group, which is run by the NHS and uses art as therapy for mental health patients.
The new group was formed to develop the skills members had learned and to enable them to continue socialising each week as it was feared without this they could relapse after being discharged.
The group was named to reflect the progression from a structured art therapy programme to a self-governing group.
Miss Clare Tollerton (34) of Macaulay Drive, Balderton, particularly enjoys sketching trees.
She said: “Without the group I would isolate myself. This has given me the chance to get to know people.”
Miss Tollerton said she found art relaxing and had learned new techniques such as using clingfilm to create patterns in paint.
Mr Alexander Combie (24) of The Holt, Newark, said the group provided him with the opportunity to learn more about art.
He enjoys drawing colourful cartoons and painting landscapes using watercolours. He was a member of the New Art group from 2005 until he joined the Journey Art Group in March.
The treasurer, Mr Chris Green, of Winchilsea Avenue, Newark, took up art as a way of coming to terms with his autism.
He said it helped him to socialise and that painting portraits helped him to be able to recognise people, which was a problem for many autism sufferers.
The vice-chairman is Mr Bill Beveridge (52) of Wood Street, Newark.
He said the group gave him the chance to mix with people who were interested in art. Mr Beveridge, who likes expressionist art that uses bold colours, said the group was welcoming.
The group received £1,000 from Newark and Sherwood District Council, some of which it has put towards paying artists to take sessions.
The Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust covers the cost of room hire. The group is seeking money from the Awards For All lottery grant scheme.