A junior school will undergo a £1.5million expansion to create more spaces for pupils.
Work is to start immediately on a new purpose-designed Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) building at a hospital, after planning approval was granted.
Scam victims have recovered more than £2million with help from Nottinghamshire Police’s fraud and cyber teams.
A pub landlord is to hand over the keys today, marking the end of an era for an ‘old school’ town centre pub.
Residents could pay between £58 and £174 more each year as a council plans to raise its tax by nearly 5%.
A town’s speedwatch volunteers completed more than 30 patrols in 2024 — and going forward hope for a more collaborative approach with police.
Up to 70 homes will get protection from flooding after plans to build a huge earth mound were approved.
Artificial intelligence technology being used in council services should not replace “empathy and fairness” for residents, a committee has warned.
The following planning applications have been submitted to Newark and Sherwood District Council for decision.
As is so often the case when we begin a new year the temperatures have recently plummeted with some snow and unfortunately rising floodwaters.
A police officer says crime and anti-social behaviour is back on the rise in a town — but residents still aren’t reporting the issues.
A Southwell artist has seen her artwork featured on the cover of a prestigious medical journal once again.
Nottinghamshire councillors have backed a series of measures designed to better prepare the county for future flooding events.
Ancient woodlands are Nottinghamshire’s most diverse habitat, providing a haven for wildlife and places of solace and inspiration for people.