Newark family stunned by response to cancer treatment appeal
An appeal to raise money that will enable a cancer-stricken mum to prolong her life and spend more time with the family she adores has already achieved a third of its £30,000 fundraising target.
Anita Dickens’ daughter, Anika, said every donation, big or small, brought a smile to her mother’s lips because she didn’t know people would be so kind.
Anita, 68, was diagnosed with cancer of the liver on January 2 after routine blood tests.
Anita, from Newark, underwent chemotherapy but was told after the fifth cycle that the cancer had spread and she had just months to live.
Research revealed there is a treatment that could prolong her life by years, allowing her to make many more memories with husband Brian, who has a manageable form of cancer, children Anika and Edward, and her grandchildren.
The treatment is not available on the NHS and the cost is £30,000.
An online JustGiving page has attracted donations of over £7,600 from more than 160 donors.
Hand-delivered donations and pledges have amounted to around another £4,000 towards the target.
Anika said: “It has meant the world. We are so grateful.
“Mum has had great support from her family.
“People she knows have given money but there are also a lot of anonymous donations; people we can’t know.
“We leapt up £1,500 on the day the Advertiser ran the story last week and some lorry drivers handed my brother a cash donation after seeing it in the Advertiser. It was absolutely awesome.
“We had no idea that so many people could care.
“One of mum’s friends, who had had cancer themselves, handed us £500 because they wanted their first donation to help someone they knew and they wanted it to be sizeable.”
The treatment is called SIRT. A small cut is made in the groin above the leg and tiny radioactive beads are infused into the blood vessels in and around the cancer, with the radiation destroying the cancer cells.
There are assessments to be done, but it is hoped that Anita can have the first stage of the treatment on July 16, at which point, £17,000 will be due.
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