Reader’s letter: Support charity’s important work
Every year around 130 young people aged 13-24 in the East Midlands hear the devastating words ‘you have cancer.’
This year Teenage Cancer Trust nurses and youth workers in our region have gone above and beyond to ensure that cancer doesn’t stop them living their lives, with specialist units at Queen’s Medical Centre and City Hospital, Nottingham.
Alongside providing urgent-ly needed specialist care they have helped them cope with hair loss, to stay in education or work, reduced isolation by introducing them to other young people with cancer and helped them manage the financial impact of treatment.
They have also helped some come to terms with a terminal diagnosis and supported them to do the things they wanted to in the time they had left — whether that was getting married, doing a skydive, attending a school prom, or planning how to say goodbye to loved ones.
The nurses and youth workers that Teenage Cancer Trust fund in this region only have the specialist training and time needed to go above and beyond for young people with cancer thanks to donations from people like you.
We welcome donations and support from the local community to help with our work in the coming year, so that we can make sure every young person with cancer gets the support they need, and to help stop cancer destroying teenage lives. — DR LOUISE SOANES, Chief Nurse, Teenage Cancer Trust.