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Newark Advertiser reader letters: Thankful for courage of their convictions

I write to applaud our district councillors for demonstrating the courage of their convictions in voting to install the Robert Kiddey sculptures at the principal gateway to the town.

Some may take issue with this outcome in the face of the numbers thrown up by the consultation but, in a representative democracy, this survey was never intended to mandate the eventual decision.

It is for our representatives to weigh up all considerations and to reach their own, independent conclusions.


If the electorate as a whole disapproves, then this disapproval should be voiced at the ballot box.

We often speak of how Newark is special so why would we pass up the opportunity to build on this, to further distinguish ourselves from the competition and to attract more visitors to the town?

Uncompromisingly modern in style, the sculptures — or stones — provide a welcome counterpoint to the town’s abundance of bricks and pantiles and could eventually feature prominently in a new town trail of the sort so successfully pioneered by our Civic Trust and the then Town Partnership.

This happy ending would be incomplete without our recognition of the leading role played by Newark Town Council's former curator Patty Temple in campaigning tirelessly for the sculptures to be conserved and put on display for the benefit of the widest possible audience despite the responsible authorities' indifference — or occasionally worse.

In due course, once the current crop of “here today and gone tomorrow” politicians have long since quit the stage and this financial outlay has become but a rounding error in the accounts, future residents and visitors alike will draw pleasure and perspective from these remarkable works-of-art and will be grateful to those who had the vision and the guts to fight for this valuable addition to the town’s streetscape by a master of his craft. — Peter Duncan , via email.

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