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Rhubarb Theatre in Leadenham crowdfunds for new eco performance project

A theatre company is crowdfunding for a project that aims to highlight the importance of the environment.

Rhubarb Theatre, in Leadenham, is partnering with Plastic Free Sleaford and Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust to create The Collection Day Project.

The theatre company is hoping to raise £5,000 for the project, which will see a combination of eco performances and activities performed in schools, marketplaces and community buildings within Lincolnshire.

Kirsty Mead (right) in a performance as a street cleaner.
Kirsty Mead (right) in a performance as a street cleaner.

Kirsty Mead, artistic director, said: “In some schools the arts are squeezed into an hour of music a week, and for many children, they don’t experience any professional live theatre or dance.

“This project not only gives the schools support with ongoing ideas for arts activities, but also tackles very important themes.

“The Collection Day Project addresses the environment head on, and by bringing an eco-specialist into the schools, not only are we providing an engaging, hard-hitting performance, but we are also arming our participants and audiences with facts and ways that they can make a difference.”

The shows will focus on how wildlife is affected and also addresses littering and recycling.

Kirsty added: “However, it’s not just about the show.

“The talk from our eco specialist will tackle many other messages, and the eco activities will range from planting ideas, using rubbish to create a piece of art, or a fun drama activity with eco themes.

“We’ll be asking the schools to make their own eco pledge, to set themselves goals.

A character featured in a Rhubarb Theatre performance
A character featured in a Rhubarb Theatre performance

“Plus, we’ll leave them with an eco arts pack that is packed with messages from climate change to creating a bee home.”

To donate to the project, go to https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/p/rhubarbtheatre-collectionday.

Also, to find out more about Rhubarb Theatre, go to https://www.rhubarbtheatre.co.uk/.

Rhubarb Theatre was first set up in 2000 by Kirsty and her husband Philip, both professional actors.

It was set up as a “drama resource for the community of Lincolnshire”, as stated on its website.

Since its establishment, it has grown from a small part-time theatre to a full-time professional touring company, specialising in performance for children and families and is a registered charity.

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