Newark Advertiser reader’s letter: Think twice about Newark Castle plans
I am shocked! Having read the piece in the Advertiser ‘Major Castle Tourism Plans Are Approved’ I feel, as a resident of nearly 75 years, I would like to make comment on the plans as shown by the two pictures included in the report.
I have to personally agree with Johno Lee’s comments, however, there seems to be other valid comments about increasing the local economy through this venture.
It was with utter amazement that I viewed the side-on view of the proposed structure!
How utterly out-of-keeping is the underneath fill-in of the ramp.
It looks like the back of modern public toilets!
It is so not in keeping with the rest of the site.
In the article it states that the project is supported by Historic England. I have my doubts that they have seen this ‘visualisation’ picture.
Councillors, please carefully look at this again and get it right first time, please. — A. Laverack, Farndon.