Weight loss expert encourages those unhappy with weight to go for health check
A weight-loss expert is encouraging anyone unhappy with their size, and who may have been worried about going for a health check, to make the first steps to discovering the support available to them.
Ellie Gray supports members of Slimming World with classes at Barnby Road Academy, Newark. She is backing Public Health England’s latest One You campaign, Heart Age.
The campaign encourages adults to find their heart age and understand more about their heart health, their risk of heart attack and stroke, and how to reduce this risk.
Ellie said: “I felt really sad when I found out that people who struggle with their weight put off getting their health checked for fear of feeling ashamed or worried about what they could be told.
“As someone who has spent years unhappy with their weight, I know exactly how it feels to fear seeking help or being told what to do.
Almost three years ago she plucked up the courage to get support. As a result she lost 5st 7lb at Slimming World and is now a consultant.
“I’ve seen first-hand how people’s whole lives can be changed just by walking through the doors of my group for the first time,” she said.
“At group each week I see my members grow in confidence, as they learn weight-loss success is simply about making small and realistic changes to the way we shop, cook and eat, gradually building up daily activity and above all getting support to make realistic changes and stick with them. It really is nothing to fear.”
Sophie Goode, who has lost 1st 6.5lbs since joining Ellie’s group at the end of June said that before losing weight she constantly worried about what her size was doing to her health
“Instead of facing up to it and seeing a professional, I buried my head in the sand for years for fear of what I might be told,” she said.
“I didn’t want to face the embarrassment of a doctor telling me I needed to lose weight, or how my size was increasing my chance of dying early.
“I also didn’t want to be told I had to live on lettuce leaves and go to the gym every day.”
Sophie said she had been nervous to join Slimming World but had such a warm welcome she felt completely at ease straight away.
“I wish I’d have plucked up the courage earlier. I’d encourage anyone who might be putting off taking action on their health to just feel confident in their own ability to change things and take that first step. If I can do it anyone can,.” she said.
To find out more about Slimming World and the Barnby Road Academy group contact Ellie Gray on 07983609316 or pop along to the group which is held every Wednesday at 7pm at Barnby Road Academy. More information is available at www.facebook.com/slimmingworldwithelliegray.