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Years of dedication rewarded


A volunteer from Ollerton has been presented with an award for her work in the community.

Mrs Joan Seager (82) of Delacy Court was given Ollerton And District Economic Forum’s services to the community shield last week.

She was presented with the award at the forum’s annual meeting by the chairman, Mr Ben Wells.

The forum’s project manager, Mr Mike Manning, praised the work carried out by Mrs Seager and listed the various groups and organisations she has worked with.

Mrs Seager is a member of the forum’s transport action team and disability action team, the Newark and Sherwood Disability Voice and Action Group and the residents’ group at Delacy Court.

She also organises a local dancing club in Ollerton, has helped organise other events in the Ollerton area and is on the steering group for the Newark and Sherwood Evergreens Over 50s’ Forum.

Over several years Mrs Seager offered a home from home to more than 1,000 people from around the world.

This included hosting cadets on recess from the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst and foreign students in her former three-bedroom Boughton bungalow.

She has also arranged more than 10,000 home stays with other hosts.

Receiving her award at the meeting, Mrs Seager said she moved to the area as a young bride and came into a wonderful community.

Mrs Seager said she was surprised and delighted to be recognised with the community award.

“I love this community and in many ways I feel I owe a debt to it,” said Mrs Seager.

“I couldn’t believe it. I nearly fell off my chair.”

Mr Manning said Mrs Seager not only carried out her own voluntary work, but also encouraged others to get involved as well.

“She has become a volunteering ambassador,” said Mr Manning.

“Her enthusiasm encourages other people to do it as well.”

Mr Wells said this was more of a lifetime achievement award.

He said: “Thank you very much for all you do. The community owes you a lot.”

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