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Newark Suggy’s gym-based boxed wins golden medal at GB Three Nations Championship at University of Nottingham

A Newark-based boxer defeated two national champions to become the new GB Three Nations Champion.

The annual competition hosted by England Boxing along with Scotland and Wales saw Otis Pearson, a boxer at Suggy’s Gym, Newark win the gold medal.

The two-day event took place at the University of Nottingham.

Otis Pearson
Otis Pearson

On Saturday, Otis celebrated victory over Sam Grey in the semi-finals.

And the next day, the Newark boxer defeated Jenzen Miguel-Powell, the current English National champion and two-time Welsh champion, who won the silver medal on the night.

Otis said: “A big thank you to everyone who came to the University of Nottingham. I really appreciated your support and am delighted that I did you proud and came home to Newark with that gold medal.

“I am pleased with the wins and it felt good to get revenge over Sam Grey, who beat me in the recent English championships, and also to beat a Welsh kid after all the hard work I put in.”

Boxing coach, Dean Sudgen added: “Congratulations to Otis for such a fantastic performance up in Nottingham.

Jenzen Miguel-Powell (left) and Otis Pearson
Jenzen Miguel-Powell (left) and Otis Pearson

“He definitely did do us all proud, to get revenge and go on to win the Tri Nations proves he really is the best School Boy in Great Britain with a win over both the current English and Welsh Champions in the same weekend.

“He is still learning the game but has certainly showed improvements in it by getting his hand raised boxing for England for the first time.

“When representing England we like our boxers to show adaptability, independence, resilience and robustness and Otis certainly demonstrated all four of those personal qualities."

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