Suggys Gym and Newark Amateur Boxing Club fighters win in impressive performances in East Midlands events
Members of Newark Amateur Boxing Club, Suggys Gym, put in impressive performances as the three fighters in action all won their bouts.
Alex Priestley, from Newark ABC, Suggys Gym, won his boxing debut against Alex Giles, from Derby City.
The fight opened the duel between East Midlands and the Home Counties at Westend Workings men’s club.
"Alex boxed brilliantly in the first and turned it up in the second forcing a stoppage," said Dean Sugden.
Newark Boxing Club's Paddy Rooney won his fifth East Midlands title the day after in the Youth National Championships at Mansfield Civic Centre against Corey Goulding from Riddings in Scunthorpe.
Owen Lack made his way through to the East Midlands Final with an excellent performance in the semi-final in the same youth championship event, winning the best boxer of the tournament.
"This performance puts him in a great place to push on in the 57kg youth category," added Sugden.